FILTRONtec – Clean air in road tunnels and underground parking is our raison d’être
FILTRONtec is a leading company that develops and installs state-of-the-art air filter systems for the removal of fine dust particles and pollutant gases created in road tunnels and other confined underground parking facilities.
Road tunnels and underground garages
In road tunnels or underground garages, air pollutant concentrations can quickly reach alarming levels. Conventional environmental ventilation systems using exhaust air stack technology are not an optimal solution, because they discharge the tunnel exhaust air together with its pollutants unfiltered into the environment. Exhaust air filters, on the other hand, are an ecological and economical alternative. They reduce the pollutant load of the ambient air in the long term and thus improve regional air quality.
Fine dust pollution has become a global health problem. In Germany alone, some 47,000 people die prematurely every year from the consequences of high concentrations of fine dust in the air. The EU Commission estimates that around 310,000 deaths occur annually across Europe, and the figure is 3.3 million deaths per year globally, according to a study published in Nature magazine. In addition other environmental pollutants in the air, such as nitrogen oxides and ozone, also have considerable health risks.
Our highly efficient air filter technology not only reduces pollutant emissions at the tunnel portals but also effectively reduces visibility constraints due to turbidity and noxious gas concentrations within long road tunnels, underground garages or similar constructions. Our fine dust filters have been developed for a high separation rate of the very fine particles (PM1, PM2.5, PM10), which are especially harmful to health.
In addition to high separation rate of harmful dust particles, we also offer a maintenance-free filter process for the adsorption of nitrogen dioxide. Our specially developed gas filters are able to reduce the concentration of nitrogen dioxide and other harmful gases, such as ozone, by more than 80% from tunnel air.
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Ambient Air Purifier amficab FV20
The amficab FV20 ambient air cleaning system was developed in Germany in 2020 by FILTRONtec together with GEAR7 Agentur and Vierhaus GmbH and is also produced in Germany.
Thanks to many years of experience and the combination of state-of-the-art filter technology with highly effective UV disinfection (ultraviolet light irradiation), we have succeeded within a short time in bringing to the market a safe and attractive application for controlling and improving indoor air quality.